- 緩和各種發炎,輔助排毒不能少
- 提升身體抗病菌能力,流感來襲也不怕
- 強化結締組織,黏膜、血管顧得好
- 改善過敏不適,鼻癢、噴嚏、鼻水
- 抗氧化功能一級棒,趕走自由基,抗老又抗癌
- 協助美白與膠原蛋白合成,讓你擁有蘋果肌
每一份: 1 匙 (6.5g) 含有:
Vitamin C ... 4, 000mg
(L-Ascorbate C crystals with FASM***)
GMS-Ribose™**** .... 2, 000mg
*** L-Ascorbate C crystals with FASM, a uniquely fully-attached sodium molecule, are buffered at a non-acidic, neutral pH.This eliminates, or greatly reduces, the usual intestinal distress that occurs with some persons taking large amounts of Vitamin C.
**** GMS-Ribose™ Glycine Methyl Sulfone Ribose is a patented proprietary blend of methylated glycine, as complexed with methyl sulfone (MSM) in a base of Beet Source Ribosomal RNA with Ribose Nucleotides including D-Ribose/ Malate, BioActiv™ Aloe in a patented form, and EDTA. Each 1000 mg of Vitamin C Activity provides 120 mg of attached sodium.
Vitality C 是高劑量、中性酸鹼值、緩衝之維生素C,並有著好口感,易於溶在水或果汁中。本產品更加強了獨特的GMS-Ribose配方從四種途徑強化吸收、增加生物利用度。