黃金消化酵素 Digest Gold (90 caps)



Enzyme Science Digest Gold

High potency, probiotic-free formula to help break down all the components of a meal.*


Comprehensive digestive formula* Thera-blend enzymes work throughout the entire GI tract* Ideal for those requiring a Vegan and Kosher product without probiotics Provides nutrient absorption and energy promotion.* America’s #1 selling enzyme product in retail stores is now available in a special label exclusive for healthcare practitioners.* Digest Gold™ is an award-winning formula that provides superior protein and fat digestion as well as a combination of carbohydrase enzymes for digesting a wide range of sugars and fibers commonly consumed in an average meal.*

This digestive enzyme formula is ideal for consumers who may be sensitive to probiotics because Digest Gold is 100% vegan, probiotic-free, and comprised of high-quality ingredients void of fillers and excipients.

Digest Gold™ is formulated to contain ATPro™- ATP, magnesium, phytase and CoQ10. ATP is used to power energy-requiring cellular or enzymatic reactions and is vital for encouraging digestive health.* Enzyme Science also formulates each enzyme focused product with exclusive Thera-blend enzymes. The Thera-blend process is scientifically designed to provide optimal solutions for digestive health and wellness. These unique protease, amylase, cellulase and lipase enzymes are comprised of multiple variants which are blended to work synergistically throughout the broad pH range of the human body.


什麼是 ATPro®?

ATPro® 與 Digest Gold 結合使用,通過為細胞提供吸收營養所需的能量來提升身體能量。* ATP 存在於每個細胞中,幫助營養物質穿過細胞膜,促進維持生命與健康的所有生理過程。然而,隨著年齡增長、缺乏運動或食用熟食與加工食品,我們的身體可能需要比自然產生的更多 ATP。

為了幫助消化過程更全面,Digest Gold™ 中的 ATPro 是一種 ATP、檸檬酸鎂、植酸酶和輔酶 Q10 的特殊混合物。ATP 不僅促進營養吸收,還能作為酵素的助推器,幫助身體更高效地分解食物。* 這一切都能讓您擁有更多能量,投入熱愛的活動中。

到期日: 06/2026
