【買十送一, 請輸入11】舒肺方 Pure NAC (90 Caps) [EXP: 07/25]

‧ 增強天然免疫機能
‧ 強化肺臟解毒,輕鬆化痰
‧ 幫助肝臟和腎臟解毒功能
‧ 保護肝臟和腎臟避免受到病毒或毒素破壞
‧ 超級抗氧化劑,可抗發炎,抗癌,抗過敏



Pure NAC 成份是N乙烯半胱氨酸,是氨基酸(蛋白質的最小單位),除了明顯的酸味,也會有蛋白質特殊的味道!

舒肺方 (Pure NAC) 的主成份是N-乙醯半胱氨酸,這是半胱氨酸的乙醯化衍生物,它一種含硫氨基酸,也是存在於洋蔥中的天然植物抗氧化劑,更是人體細胞非常重要的抗氧化劑谷胱甘肽(glutathione)的前質。然而N-乙醯半胱氨酸與谷胱甘肽不同之處也是它的好處,就是NAC具有很好的口服吸收率和局部生物利用率,非常適合呼吸道虛弱或肺炎等患者,對於舒緩呼吸窘迫症狀,提高血氧量,清除肺部毒素,合成超強抗氧化谷胱甘肽都有很好到作用。

在2021年6月一份研究指出,受試者是接受標準護理的82位新冠 COVID-19中重度肺炎患者,每日1200 mg 口服NAC,研究發現口服NAC的患者,顯著降低嚴重呼吸衰竭的發生率,14天和28天死亡率,並改善血氧指數(PaO2/FiO2)比率,並降低白細胞、CRP、D-Dimer和LDH數值

原文資料摘自: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34182881/

在2021年12月一份臨床報告指出,靜脈注射NAC對輕中度新冠患者並無顯著效果 (資料來源: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34114174/)。



● 增強天然免疫機能
● 幫助肝臟和腎臟解毒功能
● 保護肝臟和腎臟避免受到病毒或毒素破壞
● 超級抗氧化劑,可抗發炎,抗癌,抗過敏

每兩顆含有 1000 mg NAC


預防保健:每日 1 顆
新冠肺炎或呼吸道疾病患者:每兩小時吃 1-2 顆 或 每日2-3顆

N-acetyl-cysteine reduces the risk for mechanical ventilation and mortality in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: a two-center retrospective cohort study

Stelios F Assimakopoulos1Diamanto Aretha2Dimitris Komninos3Dimitra Dimitropoulou3Maria Lagadinou1Lydia Leonidou1Ioanna Oikonomou1Athanasia Mouzaki4Markos Marangos1


Background: N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) has been previously shown to exert beneficial effects in diverse respiratory diseases, through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. Our aim was to evaluate NAC potential impact in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, in terms of progression to severe respiratory failure (SRF) and mortality.

Patients and methods: This retrospective, two-centre cohort study included consecutive patients hospitalised with moderate or severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients who received standard of care were compared with patients who additionally received NAC 600 mg bid orally for 14 days. Patients' clinical course was recorded regarding (i) the development of SRF (PO2/FiO2 <150) requiring mechanical ventilation support and (ii) mortality at 14 and 28 days.

Results: A total of 82 patients were included, 42 in the NAC group and 40 in the control group. Treatment with oral NAC led to significantly lower rates of progression to SRF as compared to the control group (p < .01). Patients in the NAC group presented significantly lower 14- and 28-day mortality as compared to controls (p < .001 and p < .01 respectively). NAC treatment significantly reduced 14- and 28-day mortality in patients with severe disease (p < .001, respectively). NAC improved over time the PO2/FiO2 ratio and decreased the white blood cell, CRP, D-dimers and LDH levels. In the multivariable logistic regression analysis, non-severe illness and NAC administration were independent predictors of 28-days survival.

Conclusion: Oral NAC administration (1200 mg/d) in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia reduces the risk for mechanical ventilation and mortality. Our findings need to be confirmed by properly designed prospective clinical trials.

Keywords: ARDS; COVID-19; N-acetyl-cysteine; antioxidant; mortality; pneumonia.


到期日: 07/2025
